Saturday, March 8, 2008

It's Alive- X360s can blog!!

It seems that everything is going sentient in a way, from the programmed intelligence of an iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner to your own Xbox 360! That's right, your Xbox 360 can blog!

To make your 360's voice heard, first you have to create a gamer profile on Xbox Live, if you haven't done so already. Then, you should visit and register for a basic (just enter your Xbox Live gamertag and go, free!) or premium (extra features, but personal details required, still free) account, and you're off to the races!

Your Xbox 360 not only reports on your games played, and achievements unlocked, but it also adds interesting personal statements of its own...

My X360 Elite maintains its blog here:

If you own an Xbox 360, mosey over to this site and get your game console a blog! Sound off about this interesting venture in the comments.


Unknown said...

Very interesting! But I'm happy with Windows Live Spaces.
And I prefer PS3 since it has a baseball game I dream about everyday (MLB 08: The Show).

PS, this is not off-topic.

Abhi Sharma said...

Thanks for your comment, Prad! You really love baseball, don't you! The X360 is more PC-like (an abundance of game downloads, a "desktop" of sorts, and the cool Xbox Guide). The PS3 is more console like, but it's more powerful than the X360.

Prad Kikkeri said...

I sure do like baseball. I'm on the school team. Anyways, here are the PS3 specs vs. Xbox 360:
Cell microprocessor-3.2 GHz 9 core monster but only 6-7 are used to game;
GPU based off of the NVIDIA 7800 GS/GTX.

Xbox 360:
Triple-core 3.2 GHz Xenon processor;
ATi Xenos GPU based off of ATi X800/X850 series;
512 MB GDDR3 RAM shared by CPU/GPU.

Anyways, pretty similar and some benchmarks show the 360 to outperform the PS3.

You have a Live blog now--what is your Live ID? I'll add you to WL Messenger.

Abhi Sharma said...

Dear Prad,

Thanks for the info! Yes! I have the most powerful console in the world! I e-mailed you about Live...

Maggie's at the Door said...

I have a live!
I just never post on it.
Sorry, sorry off-topic!
I think it would be sweet to have a blog for Wii or GameBoys or Ds's and stuff of the like.
I think an X360 with it's own blog is a pretty darn awesome (for lack of better word) Xbox

Abhi Sharma said...

Thank you for your comment, Maggie! Yes, other gaming systems deserve blogs too! "GAME CONSOLES ARE WHO'S! GAME CONSOLES ARE WHO'S!"

Prad Kikkeri said...

That is hilarious. The XBOX 360 has a mind of it's own!