Wednesday, July 9, 2008

PGR4 screenshots, with a CAPTION CONTEST!

It's time again for some video-game screenshots, this time from Project Gotham Racing 4. The caption contest is on the last image.

The splendor of Tokyo can be seen here.

Truly a cut above... :)

A drift on the snow-laden Nurburgring...



Guess what this is and post your answer in the comments. Winner gets the awesome prize of NOTHING!!


Prad Kikkeri said...

It's a flux art of a car headlight. Caption: "You're making me angry...and you DON'T want to see me when I'm angry...."

Abhi Sharma said...

Right! The car is indeed a Peugeot Flux and the picture depicts a headlight! The caption is not what I was thinking of, but is original nonetheless.

Prad Kikkeri said...

What was in my mind at the time was that the car was getting ready to race...and the headlight was its adrenaline pumping!

Abhi Sharma said...

Nice analogy! You are the winner because nobody else has posted and you have written a good caption.

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