Friday, May 2, 2008

Alter LegoKingdom Egos...

Often many of you wish you could just start over your life, such as when you discovered your messy friend breakups were being publicized to all of your Facebook subscribers! Here is a platinum opportunity to do just that; create your own page at MyLegoKingdom!

My real-life friend Caleb created this wiki, to house the amazing story of his Lego kingdom, created with a cornucopia of different Lego sets, retail and custom. You are free to add your own page here, as long as it is realistic, adheres to the story, and ISN'T SPAM!!! Please follow the standards set by these pages. If you happen to vandalize the wiki, Caleb will hunt you down (in World of Warcraft) and you will be sorry...

Here is MY PAGE!!!!!


Maggie's at the Door said...

Caleb? As in DI-LOVES STAR WARS-AND-LEGO-Caleb? Our Caleb?

Cool, Bub! do you make your own Wiki?

Abhi Sharma said...

Yes, that's "our" Caleb! There are many ways to make your wiki. Caleb used EditThis, but I suggest Wikia. Just Google Wikia, follow the steps, and you have a FREE WIKI!

Maggie's at the Door said...

Thank you, and check out my new blog post. I was rather-ahem- "pissed off" at the time and still am, but I figured that a little web surfing wouldn't hurt....thanks for the tip....
Ready to go back on track?

Abhi Sharma said...

Read it, yes.